Resources for Parents

BLAST is a package for a group of 4-8 children of the same age so BLAST packs are not available for parents to buy for their own child. We do have support resources available for parents and more coming soon!


BLAST 1 has the stories and an information sheet available to photocopy. If your child is doing BLAST 1, ask his or her teacher if you can have a copy!
If you think your child has a speech, language or communication problem then talk to his or her teacher. Usually the teacher can refer to your local Speech and Language Therapy department with your consent or you might be able to refer yourself and your teacher may be able to give you the local contact details.

Some websites that might help you with speech, language and communication difficulties or finding a speech and language therapy service are: Supporting parents with children with speech and language difficulties Professional body for speech and language therapists If you want to look for a private speech and language therapist If you want information and advice about reading and writing.

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Coming Soon…

Resource sheets with activities to download
Parents forum on the BLAST website